Wednesday 11 June 2014


Read the following quotations, write who said each of them and then match them with the different situations.

  • “ I know something you don’t”    _____________________

  • “We’ve got to make grandpa feel comfortable, kids”   ___________________

  • “Peter” “Don’t shout”   _______________________

  • “I am not”    _____________________

  • “It’s not fair”    ____________________

  • When they were trying to convince the kids that they had to help make Grandpa feel happy and relaxed.
  • When she got angry because Peter said something which was not true and she got offended.
  • When he got angry because he didn’t want to move upstairs.
  • When Peter didn’t know anything about the news and she was trying to make him feel uncomfortable.
When he couldn’t accept that it was the best for grandpa

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